Monday 9 March 2015

Vegan Life: Issue 4 Review

It's time for a review of the latest issue of my favourite magazine; Vegan Life magazine! 

Issue 4 of Vegan Life magazine - March/April 2015 - invites us in with the tastiest looking mushroom burger I have ever laid my eyes on and yes, the recipe is inside (page 24), YUM! 

So this issue contains just as many insightful articles and mouth watering recipes as the last, and more! 

I really love the first few pages of Vegan Life as they contain things like Vegan News and Vegan Diary; I love to keep up to date with what's going on in the vegan society so this is really great. It also lays out some of the key events coming up; I noticed that Vegfest Brighton 2015 has been mentioned a lot in this issue which excites me as I will be there and certainly plan to write about it afterwards, so keep your eyes peeled for that one! 

What's New? is one of my favourite sections; it's so great to discover new products and it's even better when you know that they are highly recommended. 

How Veganism Changed My Life was a really interesting article, obviously we all have our own stories as to how we became Vegan but I love hearing about them especially when they have a bit of a twist!

This issue also contained an article about angora which I thought was so important! The use of angora is something that EVERYONE, not just vegans, should be aware of. Personally, I do not see how using angora is any different to using fur but for some reason, so many high street stores like Topshop still continue to sell it. We really need to get the message out about angora and how horrific it is for the rabbits that have their fur ripped out to make jumpers and socks. I may write a future post about angora but for now if you want to know more, check out Vegan Life's article. 

My favourite article this issue was....drum roll please....Activist Burnout! I have picked this as my favourite article because I feel that the advice given could apply to such a huge variety of situations and not just activists. The article includes tips on how to de-stress and to generally look after your mind; I have found the information useful as someone who is easily stressed out, especially around the time of important exams etc. - Be sure to have a read! 

All in all another excellent issue, bring on issue 5! 

For The Oceans

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