Thursday 30 April 2015

Boolie debates: Should we support charities that test on animals?

Controversial subject alert....DUN DUN DUUUUUN!

Being vegan can often leave a person with lots of personal choices to make and these choices can open you up to a lot of ridicule from others. I am questioned about my veganism almost everyday and people will often find my beliefs strange and a lot of the time they never truly understand.

Charities that test on animals for medical research is often a subject that causes lengthy and in depth debates. Of course everyone knows that animal tests are conducted all over the world for cosmetics and household cleaning products and of course everyone thinks that it is disgusting - although they still buy the products but this is an entirely different subject so I wont ramble - but what a lot of people seem to turn a blind eye to is the fact that animals are still put through these awfully painful and horrific tests for medical purposes.

There are various medical charities such as the British Heart Foundation and Cancer Research that do use animals in their labs - I wont go into detail as you can find it all online - and I spent a long time going over it in my head but I think the answer for me was always there it just needed confirming.

As a vegan, I see animals and humans as equal; we are all earthlings and I do not for one second believe that humans have priority over animals on this planet. It would be hypocritical of me to have these beliefs and agree with animal testing. Whether it is for cosmetic or medical purposes, it is not acceptable for us to use animals in this way.

I will not support or donate to charities that test on animals as I do not believe that we should torture animals for our benefit. Why does a human being have more of a right to live than an animal? All animals are beautiful, intelligent creatures and we should not exploit them in this way regardless of whether we may be saving human's lives. An animal should not die or be put through pain for us to live; that's not how life works.

Now for something really controversial; Have you ever thought that perhaps if we cured all of these illnesses then there may be too many people in the world and we would in fact be attempting to 'play god'? (Side note, I'm not religious as such, that was just a figure of speech.) Not at all am I saying that people deserves these illnesses that cause pain and possibly death but at the same time neither does an animal, therefore I will never tolerate animal testing in any form.

I am very interested to hear what other people have to say about this subject, drop me a comment below.

For The Oceans

Like British Heartless Foundation on Facebook for more.


  1. I love this post, it sums up everything that I think too, even on the subject of curing too many illnesses. I've said that to people before and they seem to think I'm a heartless wench for even thinking it. Great post!

    The Vegan Taff | Cruelty-free beauty and lifestyle

    1. Thank you! Yes exactly!! There is even a possibility that cures for these illnesses already exist but are not released as it could result in overpopulation. Thank you for reading x

